(4 customer reviews)


A revolutionary nutritional supplement in liquid form containing Turmeric, Frankincense and Vitamin C. Completely water soluble and with a bioavailability of over 95%.

Contains 900 drops (30ml)

  • Supports joint health, alleviating pain.
  • Acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Promotes natural recovery.
  • Supports immune system.
  • Helps to keep joints cool and comfortable.
  • Supports mental function. 
  • Improves iron absorption.


1,31€ /day*

Incl. VAT. Free shipping on orders over 100€

VITAMIC BIOSEN® is a revolutionary nutritional supplement in liquid form containing Turmeric, Frankincense and Vitamin C. Completely water soluble and with a bioavailability of over 95%.

*when using a daily dose of 15 drops – lasts up to 2 months

Natural, innovative and unique

VITAMIC BIOSEN® is a revolutionary nutritional supplement in liquid form with an ultra-potent three-phase blend. It contains Turmeric, Frankincense and Vitamin C. Completely water soluble and with a bioavailability of over 95%.

VITAMIC® products have been developed to improve health issues effectively and quickly.

Promotes relaxation

Taking VITAMIC BIOSEN® is associated with a more balanced day, a more pronounced ability to concentrate and a reduced sense of stress.

Relieves pain

VITAMIC BIOSEN® contains curcumin and frankincense. Both ingredients have an anti-inflammatory effect. Combined with the very high bioavailability of VITAMIC BIOSEN®, inflammation can be inhibited and pain relieved.

Strengthens immune system

Curcumin and frankincense are known in Ayurvedic medicine as immune-stimulating substances. They can be used to maintain a perfectly adjusted immune system. Vitamin C is another immune-stimulating substance.

Removes headaches

Headache is a symptom associated with many problems, some of them serious. For tension headaches, reducing stress and improving the effects on muscle contraction show excellent results.

Fights insomnia

Less stress during the day, a balanced daily routine and overall pain relief provide better sleep.

Improves mood

With pain relieved or even eliminated and enough sleep, daily life can be managed much better. This leads to a balanced and better mood.

Main Ingredients


One of the ingredients is curcumin.

  • Supports joint health, alleviating pain.
  • Acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Promotes natural recovery.
  • Supports immune system.

Boswellia Serrata

Boswellia serrrata has the following benefits: 

  • Helps to keep joints cool and comfortable.
  • Supports joint flexibility.
  • Supports mental function. 
  • Supports lung health.

Overall, curcumin and boswellia complement each other well, as they can offer different but complementary effects, providing comprehensive support for health.

Vitamin C

In addition to curcumin and boswellia, vitamin C is also one of the main ingredients. The benefits of vitamin C are:

  • Contributes to the protection of cells against oxidative damage.
  • Improves iron absorption.
  • Contributes to normal energy metabolism.
  • Helps to regenerate the reduced form of vitamin E.

Customer reviews

4 reviews for VITAMIC BIOSEN®

  1. Chris F

    ich war die letzten Jahre immer sehr anfällig für so gut wie jede Erkältung. Durch Corona habe ich mich intensiver mit dem Thema Gesundheit auseinandergesetzt und bin durch Zufall auf die “Vitamic Biosen” Tropfen gestoßen und habe diese bestellt und ausprobiert. Der Geschmack ist etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig – aber meine Oma hat schon immer gesagt: “wenn’s komisch schmeckt, dann hilft es auch.” Seit dem ich die Tropfen regelmäßig einnehme, fühle ich mich wesentlich “robuster” gegenüber sämtlichen Erkältungskrankheiten und habe dadurch keine Angst mehr mich bei irgendjemanden anzustecken. Ich habe die Tropfen schon einigen Freunden weiterempfohlen und auch hier sind alle zufrieden, so dass immer wieder nachbestellt wird.

  2. Sigrun Mihlan

    Ich habe dieses Produkt schon eine knappe Woche. Entweder hat das sonnige und derzeit warme Wetter einen Energieschub in mir gestartet, oder es sind die Tropfen schuld oder beides. Jedenfalls habe ich derzeit viel positive Energie und auch Lust, mehr zu leisten als bisher.
    Etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig im Geschmack, aber erträglich. Mal sehen, was noch weiter ist.

  3. Marc

    Echt een geweldig product om het immuunsysteem te versterken. Mijn partner is de laatste 13 maanden erg ziek geweest en sinds ze met deze druppels is begonnen heeft ze goede voordelen en meer energie in haar dagelijks leven. Waarschijnlijk kan dit product gebruikt worden voor verschillende soorten ziekten, maar met Long COVID-patiënten kan het goed werken

  4. Michael W.

    Really surprised about this product, I felt kind of burnt out but since I’m taking these drops, overall I just feel healthier! Tastes a bit bitter but that is so much worth it. Really good stuff

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